SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (as of June 5, 2020)
Yoo BK, Schaffer SJ, Humiston SG, Rand CM, Goldstein NPN, Albertin CS, Concannon C, Szilagyi PG. Cost effectiveness of school-located influenza vaccination programs for elementary and secondary school children. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019 Jun 24;19(1):407.
Zaitsu M, Yoo BK, Tomio J, Nakamura F, Toyokawa S, Kobayashi Y, “Impact of a direct-to-consumer information campaign on prescription patterns for overactive bladder,” BMC Health Serv Res. 2018;18(1):325.
Yoo BK, Kim M, Sasaki T, Hoch J, Marcin JP, “Selected use of telemedicine in intensive care units based on severity of illness improves cost-effectiveness,” Telemedicine and e-Health, 2017 Jun 29.
Yoo BK, Hasebe T, Kim M, Sasaki T, Styne DM, “Pilot survey of a novel incentive to promote healthy behavior among school children and their parents,” Preventive Medicine Reports, 2017 Mar 29;6:286-293.
Yoo BK, Kim M, Sasaki T, Ward D, Spetz J, “The impact of economic recession on registered nurse workforce supply in California,” Nursing Economics, 2017 Jan-Feb;35(1):21-29
Yoo BK, Kim M, Lin TC, Sasaki T, Ward D, Spetz J, “The effect of prior healthcare employment on the wages of registered nurses,” BMC Health Services Research, 2016 Aug 19;16(1):412.
Akiyama M, Yoo BK, “A systematic review of the economic evaluation of telemedicine in Japan,” Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, 2016;49:183-196
Yoo BK, Kim M, Sasaki T, Melnikow J, Marcin JP, “Economic evaluation of telemedicine for patients in ICUs,” Critical Care Medicine, 2016 Feb;44(2):265-74
Yoo BK, Lin TC, Kim M, Sasaki T, Spetz J, “Effect of prior health-related employment on the registered nurse workforce supply,” Nursing Economics, 2016 Jan-Feb;34(1):25-34
Yoo BK, Humiston SG, Szilagyi PG, Schaffer SJ, Long C, Kolasa M, “Cost effectiveness analysis of Year 2 of an elementary school-located influenza vaccination program – Results from a randomized controlled trial,” BMC Health Services Research, 2015 Nov 16;15:511
Kim M, Yoo BK, “Cost-effectiveness analysis of a television campaign to promote seasonal influenza vaccination among the elderly,” Value in Health, 2015 Jul;18(5):622-30
Yang NH, Dharmar M, Yoo BK, Leigh JP, Kuppermann N, Romano PS, Nesbitt TS, Marcin JP, “Economic Evaluation of Pediatric Telemedicine Consultations to Rural Emergency Departments,” Medical Decision Making, 2015 Aug;35(6):773-83
Yoo BK, Hasebe T, Szilagyi PG, “Decomposing Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Influenza Vaccination among the Elderly,” Vaccine, 2015 Jun 12;33(26):2997-3002
Yoo BK, Humiston SG, Szilagyi PG, Schaffer SJ, Long C, Kolasa M., “Cost effectiveness analysis of elementary school-located vaccination against influenza—Results from a randomized controlled trial,” Vaccine, 2013 Apr 19;31(17):2156-64
Ikegami N, Yoo BK, Hashimoto H, et al., “Japanese Universal Coverage: Evolution, Achievements, and Challenges,” Lancet, 2011 Sep 17;378(9796):1106-15
Yoo BK, “How to improve influenza vaccination rates in the U.S.,” Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, 2011 Jul;44(4):141-8
Yoo BK, Kasajima M, Phelps CE, Fiscella K, Bennett NM, Szilagyi PG., “Influenza Vaccine Supply and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Vaccination Among the Elderly,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2011 Jan;40(1):1-10
Yoo BK, Berry A, Kasajima M, Szilagyi PG, “Association between Medicaid reimbursement and child influenza vaccination rates,” Pediatrics, 2010 Nov;126(5):e998-1010 covered by USA Today, ABC News etc.
Yoo BK, Holland ML, Bhattacharya J, Phelps CE, Szilagyi PG., “Effects of Mass Media Coverage on Timing and Annual Receipt of Influenza Vaccination among Medicare Elderly,” Health Services Research, 2010 Oct;45(5 Pt 1):1287-309
Yoo BK, Kasajima M, Bhattacharya J, “Public Avoidance and the Epidemiology of Novel H1N1 Influenza A,” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, w15752, 2010,
Yoo BK, Szilagyi PG, Schaffer SJ, Humiston SG, et. al., “Cost of Universal Influenza Vaccination of Children in Pediatric Practices,” Pediatrics, 2009 Dec;124 Suppl 5:S499-506
Yoo BK, Kasajima M, Fiscella K, Bennett N, Phelps CE, Szilagyi PG, “Effects of an Ongoing Epidemic on the Annual Influenza Vaccination Rate and Vaccination Timing among the Medicare Elderly: 2000-2005,” American Journal of Public Health, 2009, October; 99:S383–S388
Yoo BK, and Grosse S, “The Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Newborns for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia,” Public Health Genomics, 2009; 12(2):67-72. Epub 2008 Sep 14.
Yoo BK and Frick K, "The Instrumental Variable Method to Study Self-selection Mechanism: A Case of Influenza Vaccination,” Value in Health, 2006 Mar-Apr;9(2):114-22
Yoo BK and Frick K, “Determinants of Influenza Vaccination Timing,” Health Economics, 2005;14(8):777-91
Yoo BK, Bhattacharya J, McDonald KM, Garber AM, “Impacts of Informal Caregiver Availability on Long-term Care Expenditures in OECD Countries,” Health Services Research, 2004 Dec;39 (6 Pt 2):1971-92.
(Book: single author) Yoo BK, “Health Economics for ‘Reform,’” (in Japanese; translated to Chinese) Medicus Publisher, Osaka, Japan, July 2006 (ISBN4-8404-1759-8; Chinese version ISNB 978-7-5086-1165-5).
- Selected among “20 Best Books in Economics and Business in 2006” by Nikkei Newspaper, which is the “Wall Street Journal” of Japan with more than 3 million subscribers.
- Chinese version published, as one of “Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance (CIDEG) Series” (Chief Editors: Prof. Masahiko Aoki, Prof. Jinglian Wu), in China in August 2008.